How to Vote

To vote in any current election, please click on the appropriate vote link at You will be taken to UConntact directly. Votes you are eligible for will show up on your UConntact Home Page. (If there is no link, this means there are no open elections.)


Voter Eligibility

Elections run through this website are only open to specific UConn student populations. For example, many elections are only open to fee-paying students (e.g. Undergraduate Student Government elections). Some part-time students, international exchange students, and students enrolled in Continuing Studies do not pay student fees and are therefore not able to vote in elections for fee-funded organizations. If you are not sure whether you pay student fees, please contact the Bursar’s office.


Having Trouble Voting?

If you are having trouble voting, it could be for the following reasons:

1) The vote hasn’t opened yet.

2) You are not eligible to vote in the election in question (see above for more information on voter eligibility).

3) Delete cookies and clear your cache (for instructions, follow the links), then try again.

4) Try switching devices. Voting should work on computers, smartphones, or tablets.

If none of these responses fix the problem, please email