Request to Vote – Joint Elections

Request to Participate in 2025 Joint Elections

  • First Name of person who will be the primary contact for this election
  • Last Name of person who will be the primary contact for this election
  • Email of person who will be the primary contact for this election
  • Phone Number of person who will be the primary contact for this election
  • What is the role of the individual serving as the Primary Contact for this vote (i.e. President, Commissioner, Professional Advisor, etc.)
  • Is the person completing this form also the Primary Contact for the Election? If not, please list your Name and Contact Information below.
  • Click the "+" button to add a position. Maximum Number of Votes tells us how many candidates voters can vote for (i.e. "Vote up to three candidates for CLAS Senator) Indicate "Yes" or "No" for Write-In Options for each Position. Indicate the Constituency of Eligible Voters. Which Specific Demographic of UConn Students are able to vote for this specific position (i.e. All Storrs USG Student, All Hartford USG Student, All Residents in Northwest, All CLAS Students, etc.)
    PositionNumber of Open SeatsMaximum Number of VotesAllow Write-In Ballot?Constituency of Eligible Voters 
  • If your organization is expecting to include additional questions (i.e. constitutional referendum/ fee referendum/ etc.) please indicate that here. Include the (1) question as you would like written and (2) the answers to the question as you would like written.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.